Death is an inevitable part of life, and yet it can be difficult and uncomfortable to talk about the process of grief amongst one's peers. In this podcast comedian and bereaved sibling Jordon Ferber helps shine some light into the darkest parts of our own existence and encourage a more open discussion about the effects of grief, and offers coping mechanisms to those suffering through open and honest conversations with other comedians and performers who have unique perspectives on the process of grief.
Jordon Ferber sits down with memory artist and creator of the
blog Tragicomedia to talk about what it is like to
interview a series of bereaved people about their losses.
Death is an inevitable part of life, and yet it can be difficult and uncomfortable to talk about the process of grief amongst one's peers. In this podcast, comedian Jordon Ferber helps shine some light into the darkest parts of our own existence and encourage a more open discussion about the effects of grief, and offers coping mechanisms to those suffering.